Take5 w/ Michella Cruz

She’s an icon, she’s a legend, and she is the moment. We catch up with jet-set model, and passionate jewellery lover, Michella Cruz.


C/O: Michella Cruz


Where did you come from?

The countryside in my Tri State area: São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio.

Where are you going?

Wherever life takes me.


C/O: Michella Cruz


What was your first piece of jewellery?

Pearl earrings for my newborn earlobes (Brazilians do that, we’re crazy.)
C/O: Michella Cruz

How many hours a day do you work?

Working on myself is a full time job, no wonder i’m always so tired.

What’s your vice?

Jewelry books.


C/O: Michella Cruz


Where do you find the best jewellery?

In secret safes around 47th st.

Describe your dream jewel.

Mucha & George Fouquet’s serpent bracelet.


C/O: Michella Cruz


Where do you escape to?

Anywhere close to the water.


What’s your travel necessity?

A private jet. But the Orient Express train would do too.

What’s your cocktail?

The Black Pearl at Valerie.

Do you have any fears?

People with no curiosity. They can bore you to death and i don’t wanna die yet.


Tell me something juicy.

Watermelon, strawberry and lemon juice is incredible for summertime.

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