Elizabeth Taylor and Her Ping Pong Rings

My Favourite Jewellery Story

think of all the stories I have heard over the past five years in my career, I think the story of Elizabeth Taylor’s Ping Pong Ring (the name sake of this blog) is my favourite. n 1970, Taylor and Burton were in the midst of a very fierce game of Ping Pong at their chalet in Gstaad, Switzerland. Always driven by rivalry between one another, Burton told her that If she were to beat him by ten points, he would buy her a diamond. But not just any diamond, a perfect diamond; meaning D colour and Internally flawless.
Photo: C/O Christie's New York


Set into white gold and only costing him $14, Taylor would become enchanted with the ring and wear it along side the famous Taylor-Burton Diamond. A 69 carat behemoth which was purchased just one year prior at auction. When people praised the larger diamond at its debut at a ball in Monaco, Taylor would make a show of flashing her ping pong ring at them, and would say, “I know, isn’t it perfect?”

Taylor would go on to collect two more such rings throughout her marriage with Burton. The rings would go on to sell at her estate auction at Christies in 2011. Wherever they are now, I sincerely hope that they are being worn with the same level of love and enthusiasm as Taylor had.

You see; jewellery doesn’t always have to be expensive, impressive or for a special occasion. And, there can be just as much beauty in costume jewellery as there is in the real thing. I personally believe it should be given whenever you feel it is right, when you want to remember a special moment, or a special someone. Or, just because its beauty speaks to you.

Remember, the sentimental value of a piece can always outweigh the intrinsic when the story is told.

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